Major Political Parties Strategize for Upcoming Elections Amidst Federal Parliament Winter Session

Published 2024 Feb 23 Friday

Kathmandu: Against the backdrop of the winter session of the Federal Parliament, major political parties have convened meetings and gatherings to frame strategies and explore avenues for securing a majority in the upcoming parliamentary elections in 2084 BS.

The Nepali Congress, CPN (Maoist Centre), and the CPN-UML, alongside the recently emerged Rastriya Swatantra Party (RSP), have introduced political, organizational, policy-level, and economic proposals with ambitious plans aimed at political stability and national prosperity.

In the Nepali Congress Mahasamiti meeting, which concluded on Thursday, General Secretary Gagan Kumar Thapa expressed optimism about the party emerging as the largest in the upcoming elections. The party is determined to disseminate its strategies, policies, and programs endorsed during the mega gathering to provinces, districts, electoral constituencies, local levels, settlements, communities, and people's doorsteps in preparation for the 2084 BS parliamentary elections.

Similar events by major political parties have delved into intra-party affairs, discipline, public expectations, and future courses of action. The gatherings concluded with commitments to contribute to political stability, enact laws, and implement people-centric programs.

CPN (UML) leader Hemrai Rai, during the party's three-day Central Committee meeting, accused the government of overlooking people's problems, citing failures in controlling price hikes and addressing supply issues. The central gathering agreed to implement ideologies endorsed by the 10th General Convention, emphasizing a strict stance against indiscipline within the party and launching the 'mission grassroots' campaign.

The CPN (Maoist Centre) reviewed the impact of its four-month 'Maoist with People's Transformation Campaign' during its recent meetings. The party is set to organize the Tarai-Madhesh Awareness campaign and the Himal-Pahad-Tarai Madhesh National Unity Campaign, focusing on enhancing party outreach and addressing people's priorities and expectations.

Nepali Congress leader Rajendra Kumar KC stated that Mahasamiti provided suggestions and advice for future policies and strategies. The discussions covered a wide range of issues, including agriculture, livelihood, employment, and strengthening the economy. The party aims to optimize natural resources, promote tourism, and address the concerns of returnee migrant workers.

The Mahasamiti meeting, attended by over 2,200 delegates, expressed commitment to supporting the incumbent government for the next four years, with a focus on good governance and prosperity. Major political parties, gearing up for the upcoming elections, plan to adopt strategies to reach out to the public through various campaigns.

Janata Samajbadi Party's leader Nawal Kishore Shah Sudi disclosed that the CEC meeting discussed holding the upcoming national convention in Janakpur by mid-June this year, along with major party issues and people's agendas.
